Als Rechtsanwalt hat man in letzter Zeit sehr viel damit zu tun, soganannte Business Proposals per E-Mail zu empfangen, als Betrugsversuch zu identifizieren und den Absender beim E-Mail-Provider zu sperren.
Glücklicherweise sind die Fälle sehr ähnlich und daher schnell zu erkennen. Es fängt damit an, dass jemand plötzlich über sehr viel Geld verfügt, meistens sind es 15 – 30 Mio. US-$. Es ist dann ein Notar oder Rechtsanwalt, der so viel Geld eines Mandanten auf dem Konto hatte. Der Mandant (und häufig auch „die ganze Familie“) ist dann (meistens alle gleichzeitig an einem Tag) gestorben. Und jetzt weiß er leider ohne meine Hilfe nichts mit dem Geld anzufangen.
Heute bekam ich folgenden Vorschlag zugesandt:
From the Desk of: Engr RONI DAMBA
Director, Project Implementation
DIRECT TEL: + 27739726031
Mineral Centre, 234 Visagie Street,
Pretoria 0001 RSA.
Good day,
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise, please do not be skeptical as it’s for good intention. It’s after my official enquiry from the foreign trade office of the chambers of commerce & industry here in Johannesburg South Africa, that I decided to contact you but I did not disclose the intention to anyone else because of the delicate nature of the project. I found your profile very interesting and decided to reach you directly to solicit for your assistance and guidelines in making a business investment and transfer of
US$32,000,000.00(Thirty Two Million Dollars) to your country within the next few days
Please I must plead for your confidence in this transaction. I am a high placed official working with Department of (Minerals and Energy) in Johannesburg. I and two other colleagues are currently in need of a silent foreign partner whose identity we can use to transfer this sum of money.
But at this moment, I am constrained to issue more details about this profitable business investment until I get your response by email, please if you can take out a moment of your very busy schedule today to respond back to my private email below for more details and include your private telephone number in your response which I and my colleagues will highly appreciate.
This fund accrued legitimately to us as commission from foreign contracts, through our private connections.
The fund is presently waiting to be remitted from the bank here in South Africa to any overseas beneficiary confirmed by us as associate/receiver. By virtue of our positions as civil servants in my country, we cannot acquire this money in our names.
Because as high placed civil servants, we are not allowed by the civil service code of conduct to own or operate bank accounts outside of our shores. On the other hand, it is not safe for us to keep the money here due to unstable political environment. I have been mandated as a matter of trust by my colleagues, to look for an overseas silent partner who could work with us to facilitate transfer of this fund for our mutual benefit, Hence the reason for this email.
My proposal is that after you receive the funds, it would be shared as follows: 30% (US$9,600,000.00), to you as commission for your co-operation and assistance in facilitating the transfer, 10% has been map out for any taxation fee that might occur during the course of this transfer while the remaining 60% (US$19,200,000.00) belongs to me and two colleagues. You will be free to take out your commission immediately after the money hits your account in your country. Since our objective is to invest the money in a foreign country, it would be appreciated if you could also help us with advices and direction on investing into profitable ventures in your country.
However, this is optional, and if it is not convenient for you to further to assist us with investing the money, we can end our cooperation after you make available to me our part of the money. The transaction, although discreet, is legitimate and the money will be transferred successfully with all necessary back-up official documents showing the legitimate source/origin of fund.
The transfer will be affected within a period not longer than two weeks as soon as we reach an agreement and you furnish me with a suitable response indicating your interest for processing the transfer. I plead with you on one issue, whether you are interested or not, kindly do not expose this information to any one else. I confirm that the transaction is legitimate and without any risks either to yourself or us.
Der Absender – angeblich Regierungsmitarbeiter in Südafrika – verfügt nur über eine Adresse, nicht aber ueber eine Adresse mit der Domain der Koerperschaft, der er angeblich angehoert. Andere Betrueger benutzen oder aenliche Adressen. Spätestens hier ist klar, dass es sich um einen Betrug handelt.
Der Betrugsplan sieht dann so aus:
Geht man auf den Vorschlag ein, erhaelt man einen ungedeckten Scheck, bezogen auf eine Bank in Afrika oder Asien. Wenn man den Scheck der Hausbank gibt, schreibtfidiese den Betrag vorlaeufig gut und versucht ihn bei der bezogenen Bank einzuziehen. Bis dann die Mitteilung kommt, der Scheck sein nicht gedeckt vergehen moeglicherweise vier Wochen. In der Zwischenzeit melden sich die Betrueger und versuchen den Scheckempfaenger dazu zu veranlassen, den „vereinbarten“ Teilbetrag an sie zu ueberweisen, wiederum auf ein Konto in einem rechtlich unerreichbaren Land. Die Ueberweisung koennte u.U. durchgefuehrt werden, auch wenn es sich um mehrere Millionen handelt, da der Scheckbetrag ja noch als Guthaben auf dem Konto erscheint.
Leider sind die Absender nicht zu ermitteln. Betrugsanzeigen gegen Unbekannt laufen ins Leere.
Es bleibt nur der Ärger über die sinnlose Beschäftigung.